Hi all,

This is final call for registration for anyone interested in Conservation, Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour to join us in Mont St-Hilaire for the annual McGill CEEB retreat. It will be taking place on Friday 17th – Saturday 18th April.

We need to know final numbers so please register by the end of Thursday 26th March.

On the Friday, we will car pool to Mont St-Hilaire in the morning for a series of talks from grad students and profs (there will be prizes for best talk!). We’ll have some activities and workshops in the afternoon and dinner in the evening followed by trivia, drinks, games and other merriment! On Saturday morning we will have a nature walk around the station and leave back for Montreal around noon. You have the option of staying overnight ($25 plus gas) or just for the Friday ($15 plus gas), meals included.

Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13bh9csdCIUu1Nw7gaechT6nwozMfpHnl1SP8_o2RoYs/edit#gid=0

If you have any ideas for workshops or would like to run a workshop, please let us know!

For more information, don’t hesitate to contact us, we hope to see you there!

Cheers from the CEEB student organisers,

Nikki Craig

Léa Blondel

Dylan Schneider