Greetings New and Returning Biologist!

My name is Nicolas Soubry, I’m a M.Sc. student in the Reyes lab and one of this years Biology Graduate Student Association [BGSA] Councillors.

I am happy to announce the 7th annual fall BGSA-run camping trip to welcome new students to the department. Get out your tents, mosquito repellent and favourite fermented drinks for a fun filled weekend to find the outdoorsmen or outdoorswomen in all of us. This is a great opportunity for both new and returning students to get to know each other outside of the university! Allen Leary (Vogel lab), Scott De Vito (Nilsen lab) and I will be your event organizers, please feel free to ask us any questions. We are looking forward to ensure a fun filled weekend, so if you have any ideas for activities please so email us back!

We will be leaving for Gatineau Park, just outside of Ottawa, on Friday, September 11th and returning on Sunday, September 13th. The weekend promises to be a great time and we hope you can make it!
It would be great if those of you who went on previous trips would let new students know how much fun you had!

A Few Details:

1) The cost should be around 40-60 dollars for car rentals, gas, food, gear, and the site (but NOT including alcohol).
2) This is “car camping” i.e. even if you’ve never been camping you’re more than qualified to come.

3) There is great hiking, caving, swimming, canoe/kayak rentals, fishing, and biking (and bike rentals) in the park :)

4) We will have a section of the Google doc for gear sharing.

5) You’re significant others are more than welcome, but don’t feel obligated (i.e. you don’t have to hire someone to pretend to be your partner :) )

6) We are vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, and carnivore friendly.

7) There are bathrooms (10 minute walk) and an outhouse (1 minute walk)

8) We’ve had about 30-40 people (~25% of the grad students in Biology) come on each of the last two trips! (It really does provide a great way to meet fellow students)

9) I am also looking for someone to help take deposits from Redpath and also the 6th floor Stewart.

10) You have until August 15th to let fill out the form to let us know if you’re interested in coming, after that, we’ll only be sending email updates to people who have expressed interest.

If you’re interested please fill out this FORM

Your spot will be confirmed only when you have paid a $20 deposit.

Deposits are payable to:

Scott De Vito - Stewart N5/5

Nicolas Soubry - Bellini 235

If you think your reading this for the second time, don’t be confused because it is the second time I send it so please REGISTER already it takes 2 seconds !

Nicolas Soubry

Master of Biology Student

Dr. Rodrigo Reyes-Lamothe Lab

McGill University

438 888 9776