Hello BGSAers!

Thanks to those who participated in our survey about Pack the ~

There is enough interest that we’re going to Pack the House!

Who: You!
What: Pack the House! Support our Redmen and Martletts
When: Thursday, January 26th: Pregame 5-7
Where: Pregame at Thomlinson Hall, Game at the gym
Why: Show support, party with friends, have a good time, get out of the lab… take your pick!

Come out and support our Redmen and Martletts in an awesome double header basketball game against UQAM. There will be a pregame at Tomlinson Hall with drink specials and then everyone will head to the gym to make some noise and raise the roof. Bonus points if you know the origins of ‘raise the roof’ and you can’t wikipedia it today!

Tickets are $3 and please sign up in the document below with your name, email and number of tickets you want. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aiihin_-Nu8qdEsxTjdud0llZi13RVNQQ01WMFBxUkE
